Various Aspects of Young Adults’ Functioning

eds. Katarzyna Adamczyk, Monika Wysota

The authors take up the significant issue regarding the changes that take place in the psyche of teenagers entering the phase of adulthood. The topic is raised in the context of developmental tasks and social challenges teenagers need to face. Increasing interest in mental resources, individualization of developmental paths and the ways in which young adults overcome encountered difficulties has inspired numerous theoretical and empirical investigations in the world’s literature of the subject. The book Various aspects of young adults’ functioning is part of this stream of scientific research.

The publication fills the gap in the literature of the subject concerning research on the psychosocial functioning of individuals in the period of young adulthood. High speed of social changes and the related changing conditioning of life and choices of teenagers, long period of being financially dependent resulting from extended education and the high unemployment rate in Poland, as well as delayed – as compared to the previous century – decisions to take on marital and parental roles, and many more different psychosocial phenomena – all these require from researchers a fast, meticulous and methodologically innovative approach to the issues discussed.
The book in question meets all the requirements. The authors approach this socially crucial subject in an innovative and comprehensive way.

From the review by Elżbieta Rydz, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor, Chair of Developmental Psychology,
the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

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